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Governmental Cost of Father Absence

Governmental Cost Of Father Absence

In 2008 the National Fatherhood Initiative’s $100 Billion Dollar Man and Dr. Benjamin Scafidi’s The Taxpayer Costs of Divorce and Unwed Childbearing projected the expenditures for governmental programs attributable to father absence. At that time the NFI estimated the annual public cost of father absence was 99.8 billion dollars and the Scafidi Costing Model estimated the costs of family fragmentation to US taxpayers to be $112 billion dollars annually.

The Dads Resource Center utilized the most recent data from the US Census and the US Inflation Calculator to update these projections in order to illustrate the potential current costs of father absence to the taxpayers. The current estimated cost for Pennsylvania is nearly 11 billion dollars and for the entire United States is nearly 270 billion dollars.