5 Ways Society Benefits When Kids Spend More Time with Dad
September 13, 2022
According to Pew Research Center, 63% of dads report that they feel they don’t get to spend enough time with their children. When it comes to dads in co-parenting situations, that number is likely even higher. What may come as a surprise to many is that society is also missing out on something when this happens. Children around the nation are greatly missing out on things when they don’t get enough time with their fathers.
“When fathers are actively involved in their lives our children are happier and safer, and our society is healthier and more productive,” said Dads’ Resource Center Founder and Chair Dr. Joel N. Myers. “But instead of celebrating fatherhood and looking for ways to ensure father involvement, our government pours hundreds of billions of tax payer dollars a year into public assistance and social services.”
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 121 million men in the country are biological fathers of at least one child under 18. This demonstrates that the impact that fathers have on the lives of these children is going to be far-reaching.
Several years ago, Fortune reported that men who spend more time with their kids make happier employees. Based on research, it was suggested that companies should give men more time to spend with their families to increase retention rates. Having happier men at work is one way society benefits when dad gets more time with the kids.
Here are 5 additional ways society benefits when kids spend more time with dad:
- Generational impact. A study published in the journal Parenting Science and Practice reports that patterns of father involvement and the quality of father-child relationships tend to be passed down across generations. Dads who are allowed to be more involved in their child’s life will, in turn, raise sons who go on to be dads who are more active in their own children’s lives. In other words, the current relationship is impacting the future ones.
- Healthier societies. Fewer children raised in nuclear families are considered to be in poor health. Research published in The Linacre Quarterly showed that 12% of children raised in a nuclear family were considered in poor health, compared to 22% of children of a single parent.
- Financial stability. According to research published in The Linacre Quarterly, custodial mothers lose up to 50% of their household income and are more likely to receive public assistance. The median income of divorced mothers is only 47% of married-couple households. Children living with their mothers are more likely to be in poverty. When a dad plays an active role in a child’s life, there is likely to be more financial stability.
- Better educated citizens. In a study published in the journal Sociological Science, researchers report that parental divorce lowers a child’s educational attainment. This is due to the decline in family stability, family income, and the child’s psychosocial skills. They report that a child’s emotional well-being declines, which harms their educational attainment.
- Overall better societies. Dads’ Resource Center shares studies showing that children who spend more time with their dad are less likely to commit crimes, use government assistance programs, and smoke and use drugs. They are more likely to finish high school and college and be contributing members of society when they become adults.
“We live in a time where men are more engaged and involved in raising their children than ever,” said Dads’ Resource Center Executive Director Jeffrey Steiner. “Unfortunately, far too many able and willing fathers are being denied that opportunity. Their children, and our society, suffer greatly when this happens.”
Dads’ Resource Center was started by Dr. Myers, a father of eight and the founder and CEO of AccuWeather. The mission is to help combat the issues associated with children growing up without their fathers in the home. At its heart, the center is a child advocacy organization that aims to ensure that each child has the appropriate involvement and contributions from both parents. To get more information, visit the site at: https://dadsrc.org.
About Dads’ Resource Center
The Dads’ Resource Center is the leading advocate for single fathers. They believe that father absence is a major factor in nearly every social issue our country faces, and that all able and willing dads should be allowed to uphold their sacred responsibility as fathers. Established by Dr. Myers, a father of eight and the founder and CEO of AccuWeather, the DRC provides education, resources and advocacy for single fathers struggling to be in the lives of their children due to the involvement of the family court, county and human services system. Click here for more information
Pew Research Center. 8 Facts About American Dads. Fortune. Fathers who spend more time with their kids make happier employees. The Linacre Quarterly. The impact of family structure on health of children. Parenting Science and Practice. Father Involvement and Father-Child Relationship Quality. January 2018. Sociological Science. Why Does Parental Divorce Lower Children’s Educational Attainment? April 2019. U.S. Census Bureau. “Solo” Dad and “Absent” Dads Not as Different as They Seem.