19 Colonnade Way Ste 117 #190 State College, PA 16803. 8333237748 info@dadsrc.org

Fatherhood News

5 Reasons Why Divorced Dads Play a Vital Role in Their Child’s Life

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there is a crisis in the country involving fathers. They report that one out of every three children, or 24 million, live without their biological father in the home. The problem is that fathers… Continue Reading…


5 Holiday Survival Tips for Divorced Parents

Dads’ Resource Center offers ways to successfully co-parent to create the best holiday experience  Many people find this time of the year to be more stressful, because they are busy trying to fit in so much around the holidays. For… Continue Reading…

Fathers in Court

The Hidden Dangers of How Family Courts Keep Fathers Out of the Picture

Dads’ Resource Center puts the spotlight on how dads are shut out   Most people know that around half of all marriages in the country end in divorce. What they don’t know are the statistics of what happens with custody… Continue Reading…

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