19 Colonnade Way Ste 117 #190 State College, PA 16803. 8333237748 info@dadsrc.org

Being a Good Dad

Father-daughter relationship and impact on sexual development

Five published studies supporting the connection between father involvement and lower risky sexual behavior by their daughters.  Impact of fathers on parental monitoring of daughters and their affiliation with sexually promiscuous peers: A genetically and environmentally controlled sibling study. DelPriore,… Continue Reading…


How To Survive Your Divorce And Thrive As The “Visiting Parent”

By Jeremy J. Lanning MA, LPC There is a difference between those who handle their divorce well and those who do not, especially when children are involved. Often what it means to “handle things well” is to handle them with… Continue Reading…

Fatherhood News

A Call to statewide Action to Increase Father Involvement

DRC Joins The Strong Families Commission in Calling for Statewide Action to Increase Father Involvement Through Service and Policy Inclusion Dads’ Resource Center is joining The Strong Families Commission, Incorporated (THE COMMISSION) and the Symposium Organizing Committee (SOC) to address… Continue Reading…

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